museum quality 3D sculptures

A lifelike 3D sculpture of your pet

“My dog ​​was wonderfully relaxed during the scan. With one push of a button it was captured, and now I have a beautiful 3D sculpture!

levensecht 3D sculptuur beeldje huisdier

Your buddy in miniature

You love your pet. And what could be better than having your buddy with you forever, as a 3D sculpture. For example, your Labrador, German Shepherd or Husky, but also your British Shorthair, Maine Coon or another cat species can be captured in a 3D sculpture. This way your little four-legged friend will be there forever!

levensecht 3D sculptuur huisdier Lichtbruine labrador blindengeleidehond met haar baasje die haar positioneert in onze 3D scanner

Is 3D scanning stressful for my pet?

Every pet is different and you know your pet best. Our 3D scan booth can be impressive for an animal because of the light panels on it, but these do not flash. The scan itself is made with 100 cameras simultaneously, so your pet does not have to sit still for long.

Tip: bring animal treats, an animal toy or blanket with his/her scent to reassure your animal.

How long does the appointment last?

We understand that being in a strange environment for a long time can be a bit much for your pet.

Don’t worry though!
On average, an appointment lasts about 45 minutes; Over a cup of tea we discuss the wishes for the 3D sculpture and the 3D scan itself is made in a flash.

Can I also give a scan and sculpture as a gift?

You can also give a 3D scan and sculpture as a gift to an acquaintance/loved one.

Contact us and we will discuss the options with you.

We do even more...

In addition to 3D portraits and group portraits , we do even more!

Do you have an idea or challenge that we can help you with in the field of 3D design, 3D scanning and 3D printing? Please feel free to contact us!

Company anniversaries

Want to celebrate that your great staff has been employed for years? That calls for something special!


Give the bridal couple a memory of the most beautiful day of their lives. Or give a special gift during an anniversary.


A very special experience, a pleasant visit to a 3D studio, where you will be completely pampered. And such a beautiful memory of the highest quality.

Vitrine & Sculptuur

Alle details over de vitrine en het sculptuur.

Complete beleving

Een bezoek aan Duplify is veel meer dan alleen een 3D scan. Wij maken er een compleet uitje van.

Het creatie proces

Zo maken onze 3D specialisten jouw sculptuur.

Interieur inspiratie

Zo kan een Duplify sculptuur in jouw interieur staan.

Maatwerk portfolio

Onze maatwerken projecten.


Dit hebben we afgelopen jaren gedaan.

Showroom Locaties

Bekijk alle locaties


Zet een medewerker in de spotlight met het bedrijfslogo.

Display case & Sculpture

All details about the display case and the sculpture.

Complete experience

A visit to Duplify is much more than just a 3D scan. We make it a complete outing.

The creation process

This is how our 3D specialists create your sculpture.

Interior inspiration

For example, a Duplify sculpture can be placed in your interior.

Custom portfolio

Our custom projects.


We have done this in recent years.

Showroom Locations

View all locations


Put an employee in the spotlight with the company logo.