At these locations you can view our sculptures in real life. You can find their opening hours and exact locations on the website of our showroom locations.
Our display hoods are miter glued. Not the easiest way, but the most beautiful. All panels are sawn at an angle of 45° and glued together with the sloping sides. This ensures minimal noise in the seams and the tightest result. This also creates a larger adhesive surface, making the hoods stronger than butt-glued hoods.
A futuristic card has been expertly concealed in the base. This card appears by pulling on the Duplify label. This can be scanned with an NFC-supported mobile, or the QR can be scanned to easily view the aftermovie, which is made during the visit to the 3D scanner.
Duplify is a label by Polyfuse B.V.
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Alle details over de vitrine en het sculptuur.
Een bezoek aan Duplify is veel meer dan alleen een 3D scan. Wij maken er een compleet uitje van.
Zo maken onze 3D specialisten jouw sculptuur.
Zo kan een Duplify sculptuur in jouw interieur staan.
Onze maatwerken projecten.
Dit hebben we afgelopen jaren gedaan.
Bekijk alle locaties
Zet een medewerker in de spotlight met het bedrijfslogo.
All details about the display case and the sculpture.
A visit to Duplify is much more than just a 3D scan. We make it a complete outing.
This is how our 3D specialists create your sculpture.
For example, a Duplify sculpture can be placed in your interior.
Our custom projects.
We have done this in recent years.
View all locations
Put an employee in the spotlight with the company logo.